Kids can have fun at just about any VBS. High-energy leaders, crazy games, cool snacks, and new friends are a blast. But at Group, our goal is to create a program where fun is just the beginning. We aim to change kids’ hearts for eternity. We pray that kids leave with a fresh faith focus they experience every single day, long after VBS ends. We want every moment you spend with kids to have monumental impact.
You know the kids in your community. You know many of them are walking through deep valleys. Your heart hurts for them, navigating canyons of loneliness, hopelessness, and fear. That’s why at Monumental, you’ll point kids’ eyes up, to a loving, powerful God who is bigger than…well, anything! Every day, a practical, memorable Bible truth reminds kids of the great God who loves them deeply. Check out the five rock-solid Bible truths at the heart of Monumental VBS. Discover how these can shape kids, drawing them into a lifelong friendship with Jesus.
Day 1: God loves you no matter what.
Social media makes it nearly impossible not to compare ourselves with others. At a glance, kids can see who’s got the coolest gadgets, most popular shoes, or highest scores. As a result, kids might struggle with feelings of inadequacy. And it’s not just having the right things. Kids may feel they have to earn friendship at school. Some may even feel they need to earn love at home. Yet God’s love is boundless and unconditional. God created each of us with love and intentionality. His unfailing love is always there for us!
The Impact on Kids? When kids live in God’s unconditional love, they become confident and caring. They begin to see their worth in God’s eyes, rather than striving for the world’s approval. God’s great love even flows into the way they treat others, reflecting his grace and forgiveness.
Day 2: God is with you everywhere.
Kids experience a life filled with changes. The U.S. Census Department estimates that the average person moves around 11 times in a lifetime! Kids understand the loneliness of a new neighborhood or new school. That doesn’t even take into consideration the many kids who split time between two different homes, if parents separate. God may feel distant in kids’ busy schedules, when they’re alone at night, or during a thunderstorm. Kids need to know that God is with them everywhere they go. Whether we feel it or not, God’s faithful goodness goes with us!
The Impact on Kids? Trusting in God’s presence gives kids a peace that’s not dependent on circumstances. As kids develop the habit of looking for God Sightings (evidence of God’s hand around us), a solid Christ-centered worldview deepens and takes root. God becomes a natural part of everyday life!
Day 3: God is in charge.
Now, more than ever, things feel out of control. As adults process shocking news stories, division, stress, and uncertainty, kids are absorbing that tidal wave of emotions. Children’s’ fears can show up as separation anxiety, acting out, or physical manifestations like stomach aches. Psychologists agree that kids find comfort in knowing that someone is in control, steering things with confidence and compassion. In a world where problems seem overwhelming, it’s encouraging to know that God is greater! He’s mighty, powerful, and in charge of all we see. As Paul reminded the church in Colossae, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17)
The Impact on Kids? When kids have the reassurance that God is in control, worries don’t have the same effect on them. Troubles do come, but kids can trust that a loving God is still in charge. Kids will anchor their hearts in God, rather than let storms of anxiety knock them down. Watch kids trade fear for faith!
Day 4: God is stronger than anything.
Kids live in a world of bigger, better, stronger, faster. The endless stream of superhero movies is a testament to our culture’s fascination with power. Kids are captivated by super strength! Yet, in reality, death is the strongest, most final thing any of us face. Well…until Jesus! God doesn’t just have the power to create mighty mountains or spectacular seas. The greatest picture of God’s power is the way he conquered death, out of his unfathomable love for us. Kids need the good news that we can live eternally because nothing—not even death—is stronger than our great God! “But thank God! He gives us victory of sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57)
The Impact on Kids? Kids may be hearing from friends that Jesus (or Christianity) is wimpy or even fake. By discovering God’s awesome, mighty power in unforgettable ways, kids become empowered to boldly stand up for their faith. They’ll gain a new perspective on God—one their friends may not understand. God’s strength can give kids a monumental dose of courage to live as Jesus’ followers every day.
Day 5: God is surprising.
While we want kids to understand that God is steadfast and trustworthy, kids may get the impression God is…well, boring. Nothing could be further from the truth! Our great God—full of love, joy, and hope—continually lavishes joyous surprises on his children. Some of God’s surprises are big and exciting, like a miraculous healing or a financial blessing. But we can help kids identify small, surprising gifts, such as laughter or hugs from family members. Each blessing is a gift from a loving, faithful God.
The Impact on Kids? Psychologists have shown that our brains are wired to flourish when we’re grateful! Kids who identify God’s surprises as blessings, and celebrate those with a grateful heart, are poised to thrive emotionally and mentally. Plus, kids are more likely to remain in a friendship with God, as they view him as a friend who loves to surprise and delight!
God is great! His greatness transforms our hearts, minds, and lives for eternity.
We’ve even set the stage for kids’ discovery in a God-created space—Monument Valley. Exploring vast vistas and colorful canyons—all created by God’s amazing hand–is awe-inspiring. God’s astounding creation reminds us that we’re small and God is great—greater than our worries, troubles, fears, or hurt.
And that’s what kids need, isn’t it?
Kids need to believe in something greater: greater than the troubled world they see around them, greater than themselves and their limitations, greater than imperfect parents.
When they discover that a grand and glorious, majestic and magnificent God loves then unconditionally…that’s perspective-changing! When they explore how the same God who crafted and carved canyons shaped them with love and intentionality…that’s jaw-dropping. We’re excited to partner with you as you guide kids on a VBS adventure with lifelong impact. Get ready to do something big this summer.
It’s going to be monumental!
Ready to give kids a grand-new perspective this summer?
Monumental Ultimate Starter Kits
Map out your best VBS yet with the Ultimate Starter Kit of your choice! Each kit is jam-packed with resources to help you plan, prepare and pull off the most epic event of the summer!
You CAN do it! And we’re here to help! Group offers a complete children’s ministry hub of resources you need…especially when it comes to VBS! Best of all, we’re always here to help. Call us with any ministry-related problem, and we’ll help you find a solution. Call our experienced and helpful support team at 1-800-447-1070.