If you’re new to Group VBS, this webinar is for you! Here’s a highlight of the questions you asked, and what we covered:
General Questions:
- How do I manage being overwhelmed?
- Where do I begin?
- What are some of the best ways to communicate that changing to Group’s VBS is going to lead to a better VBS?
- How does this differ from other publishers?
- Do we have to mix age groups?
- What is the best way to introduce the concept of multi-age groups to church?
- How do I recruit volunteers? (Discussed at end of webinar.)
- Best pick/security plan? (Discussed at end of webinar.)
Monumental VBS:
- What ages are able to be participate?
- How to run it?
- What does the schedule look like?
- How do preschoolers fit in?
- How flexible is the schedule?
- When are the supplies going to be shipped out?
- How is the lesson set up?
- Is the kit all inclusive?
- How are Bible Adventures and KidVid different? It seems like those are both really story time.
- Does Group have any options to train my team?
- How do you keep in connection after VBS is done?
Jerusalem Marketplace VBS:
- What’s the daily flow/schedule for Jerusalem Marketplace?
- Can you do HLA with Easy VBS schedule?
- If you’ve only used Easy VBS before, what do I need to know about HLA?
- How do you decorate?
- What do I need to buy outside of the Directors Kit and decorations?
- Do I have to buy music cd’s and stuff separately?
- Is Tribe time crucially important?
- Is 30 min really enough time to do 2 shops and a snack?
- Where is snack eaten, in the market?
HayDay VBS:
- What’s the schedule like for a 2-day VBS program?
- Ways to get the use the program to the fullest in a 1-day format.
- How to decorate on a budget, using no real hay?