Find all the images and sound effects for Sing & Play Rock and Closing Quest in one zipped file.
Here’s what you’ll find in the download:
Day 1
“Dead Sea Scrolls” image (Sing & Play Rock)
“Game Show” sfx (Closing Quest)
“What Do You Know? Mystery Sound” sfx (Closing Quest)
“What Do You Know? Close-Up” image (Closing Quest)
“Bell Pepper Seeds” image (Closing Quest)
Day 2
“Hoxne Hoard” image (Sing & Play Rock)
“8,000 Hertz” mp3 (Closing Quest)
“10,000 Hertz” mp3 (Closing Quest)
“14,000 Hertz” mp3 (Closing Quest)
“18,000 Hertz” mp3 (Closing Quest)
Day 3
“Pearl” image (Sing & Play Rock)
Day 4
“King Tut’s Burial Mask” image (Sing & Play Rock)
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