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If you purchased the Monumental VBS Ultimate Starter Kit Plus Digital Edition, you are probably wondering how to access all your amazing Digital Resources. This video walks you through, step-by-step!

This year, all of your digital resources will be available through the Digital Download Center instead of on a USB drive. This is awesome for many reasons, here are just a few:

  1. No more keeping a USB drive under lock and key for fear of losing it.
  2. No more dealing with corrupted files because someone didn’t eject the USB correctly.
  3. No more making your VBS team offer up collateral in order to take the USB drive home.

Now, you can create one church log-in and then anyone on your team can access what they want, whenever they want.

If you like having all the files in once place for safekeeping, you can download everything to your own USB!

Resources on VBS Tools are for non-commercial use by purchasers of Group VBS programs. Please consult the permissions form on your Clip Art CD for more information.