“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.” Psalm 37:3
We know that safety is always a priority at VBS. You’re used to stocking those first-aid kits, background-checking every volunteer, triple-checking every registration form for allergies, and making sure kids stay safe while they’re in your care. But being COVID-friendly adds a new level of safety regulations to consider. To take some of the guesswork out of this new responsibility, we’ve come up with a checklist of ideas for how you can create a safe and healthy VBS. As always, please follow CDC and local guidelines as you plan your event.
- Use pool noodles (we know you have them) or colorful beach towels as markers to help kids remember to keep appropriately distanced.
- Have kids bring their own water bottles, labeled with their names.
- Create a Sanitization Squad. This clean-loving crew can be responsible for sanitizing areas in between rotations.
- Keep two sets of supplies for each rotation so one set can be sanitized while the other set is being used.
- Place hand sanitizer at every station. You can also include travel size hand sanitizer in Crew bags.
- Use pre-packaged snack items.
- If masks are required in your area, keep a stash on hand in case a kid (or leader) forgets one.
- Get creative with new friend-making routines. Rather than Crew hugs and high-fives, let kids come up with goofy, clever ways to say hello…without getting close to each other. Air-fives, funny faces, and chicken dances are all welcomed!
- Ask teachers for their ideas. Many schools are meeting in person, with unique ways to keep kids safe, distant, and healthy. Brainstorm with a few teachers to see what they’ve learned and implemented.
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Check out these life-changing programs from Group
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