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Get families excited about your upcoming VBS and encourage them to “save the date!”

Download our FREE save-the-date templates below for a simple, effective way to communicate your upcoming VBS with families and encourage them to add your VBS to their upcoming calendar.

Here’s how you can help spread the word about your VBS and use the save-the-date invites provided below:

  • Set up a VBS info table on key Sundays leading up to your VBS registration (like Easter!) – Decorate a table with details about your VBS, and make it interactive! For example, if you’re doing Group’s True North VBS, include an Imagination Station experience or a pick a game from your VBS program to engage kids and parents. Also have save-the-date invites available to take with them as they leave.
  • Insert the VBS save-the-date invitations into your Sunday service bulletins (Easter is the BEST time to add those!)
  • Encourage families to invite others – Have additional copies of the save-the-date inserts available and ask your church members to share the invitation with friends and neighbors in the community. When, did you say? Easter of course (and any other Sunday between now and VBS)! 😊

Did we mention your greatest opportunity for inviting kids to VBS? That’s right, Easter! Since Easter is one of the most well-attended services of the year where you’ll come face-to-face with families who may not regularly come to church, it’s the PERFECT opportunity to invite them to your upcoming VBS!

Get started and download these easy-to-use templates now. We’ve included four designs. One you can use for any VBS program you’re using. Plus, one for each of the Group VBS themesTrue NorthYee-Haw, and Egypt.

PDF download includes two different 8.5 x 11 designs. Each sheet includes two editable invites.

Resources located on VBS Tools are for non-commercial use by purchasers of Rocky Railway VBS. Please consult the permissions form on your Clip Art CD for more information.