Family drama.
Lies and subterfuge.
A faked death.
Palace intrigue.
Natural disaster.
A national hero.
These aren’t plot elements in the latest binge-worthy show. These large-than-life events are just part of the amazing life of Joseph, son of Jacob. You can read about Joseph’s journey from the prison to the palace in Genesis 37–50, or you can bring them to life at your Egypt VBS!
But how can a story of a guy who lived hundreds of years ago really connect with today’s kids? Will pyramids and pottery truly capture kids’ attention when they have so much flashy technology at their fingertips? What impact can an ancient story have on kids now? Believe it or not, this section of Scripture mirrors our everyday lives in some pretty powerful ways.
Joseph’s story explores real-world family dynamics.

The Bible doesn’t mince words in describing the struggles and squabbles among Jacob’s boys: “But his brothers hated Joseph because their father loved him more than the rest of them” (Genesis 37:4). And Joseph didn’t go to a lot of trouble to make his brothers love him more. He reported when his brothers did wrong. He had dreams that symbolized his power over them—and then told them about the dreams. Tattling, unkind words, favoritism, hatred, and lies—this family had it all! Kids may be surprised to see a family that resembles some of the real-world (and less-desirable) behaviors in their own homes. Most importantly, they get the big picture of how God worked in spite of people’s humanity and sin. What a refreshing way to offer God’s hope regardless of our imperfections!
Joseph’s story affirms that God can use anyone.

In a world filled with social media influencers and celebrities, kids are under more pressure than ever to succeed. (Albeit maybe their own pressure, from what they see around them.) Yet God has put special gifts into each child at your VBS—gifts designed for God’s glory. Joseph went from a slave to a prisoner to the second-highest official in Egypt. He wasn’t rich or famous. But he used his God-given gifts whenever he had the chance. And through those abilities, God saved a nation from starvation. As kids “meet” Joseph each day, they take time to explore their own special abilities and how God might use those talents to serve others. What an affirming message for kids—and a great opportunity to give them a God-focused perspective on what they can do with their gifts!
Joseph’s story acknowledges emotions.

Typical Sunday school lessons tend to focus on positive emotions—joy, happiness, forgiveness, love. But Joseph got angry. He wept. As you explore Joseph’s anger at his brothers and his tangled emotions at seeing them again, you have the opportunity to talk with kids about all our God-given feelings. Kids may be surprised to see that a Bible character—someone we hold up as a hero—struggled to forgive people who’d hurt him. As kids see the real-life emotions of people in the Bible, they can begin to see what their own faith looks like in everyday situations. You’ll also show kids how God can guide us to do his will, no matter what we’re feeling.
Joseph’s story abounds with hope.

It’s clear that Joseph faced dark days. Being sold by his brothers, taken to a foreign land, falsely accused and imprisoned, and then enduring a lengthy prison stay—he could easily have felt hopeless or alone. Yet Scripture reiterates God’s faithfulness in Joseph’s life. Kids may not face the dire circumstances that Joseph did, but splitting time between divorced parents, struggling with schoolwork, and feeling friendless can feel dark and hopeless to kids. God’s presence and plans through Joseph’s ups and downs can remind kids that God is there for them, no matter what each day holds.
You’ll often hear about a program “bringing the Bible to life.” Yet as you embark on this Egyptian adventure, prepare to surprise kids with the real-world, everyday life, this-could-be-on-TV-today chronicles of Joseph. Show kids the relevance and reality of Scripture and the true emotions of people God used in mighty ways.
Step back into Bible-times with Egypt VBS!
Egypt Ultimate Starter Kits
At Egypt, everyone gets to explore first-hand the culture of Joseph’s world. Alongside Joseph, they’ll experience the heartbreaking trials, joyous victories, and tear-filled celebrations of this unique Bible hero.
God’s Word comes alive as families enjoy traditional Bible-times customs, occupations, food, and even games!
You CAN do it! And we’re here to help! Group offers a complete children’s ministry hub of resources you need…especially when it comes to VBS! Best of all, we’re always here to help. Call us with any ministry-related problem, and we’ll help you find a solution. Call our experienced and helpful support team at 1-800-447-1070.