We love a good VBS theme.
We know you do, too!
As we connect with friends in ministry each year, our team soaks up their excitement and enthusiasm for vacation Bible school. Creative children’s ministry leaders have crazy talent when it comes to transforming a Sunday school classroom into everything from a space station to a surf shack. We know you have that part down pat!
But we also know that the takeaway for kids needs to go far beyond the posters on the wall. The kids who step through the doors of your VBS are looking for more than entertainment. They’re seeking friendship, truth, and answers to life’s questions. That’s why—in the midst of all the fun—we take our role seriously. Here’s some of the “why” behind the “wahoo” of Yee-Haw VBS.
Kids need intentional friend-making opportunities.

Many kids today struggle with the basic skills of making friends. Our well-intentioned society increasingly places rules and boundaries on children’s free play in an effort to keep kids safe. In his book The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt points to the downside of so much protection: Kids have lost opportunities to gain important social skills. So simply putting a group of kids together at a summer event doesn’t ensure they’re building relationships. That’s why the activities at Yee-Haw are intentionally created to maximize meaningful connections between kids and kids, kids and caring adults, and kids and Jesus!
Kids need engagement—not just entertainment.

Of course you want kids to have fun at VBS! The halls of your church should ring with laughter, silliness, and joy (year-round, but especially during Yee-Haw)! But kids can find entertainment anywhere. You have so much more to offer! At Yee-Haw, you’ll do more than put on a big show—you’ll engage kids’ minds and hearts. They’ll ponder thought-provoking, faith-building questions. They’ll explore emotion-packed Bible adventures with all their senses. They’ll connect Scripture to everyday life in ways that stick long after VBS. By going beyond entertaining kids, you help cement Bible truth in powerful ways!
Kids need conversation.

Oftentimes we lose sight of our purpose in ministry. We think it’s our job to convey all the important Bible information, filling kids’ heads with facts about the Bible, Jesus, and what it means to be a Christian. But if we look to Jesus’ example, we notice how often he talked with his followers. He let them ask questions. He listened. That’s why we’ve built in intentional conversation time with kids at Yee-Haw. Everyone gets to respond to interesting questions about faith (not just the kids who know the right answer). Small-group leaders (called Crew Leaders) have time to lean in and listen. Not only does conversation build relationships, but it gives kids a chance to verbalize their faith and their questions. Crew Leaders gain valuable insight into where kids are in their friendship with Jesus, what daily life is like, and how best to reach each child individually.
Kids need to know they’re loved by God.

The message of Yee-Haw is crystal clear: God gives good gifts. In two days you get to explore that one solid Bible truth over and over. God gives good gifts—he’s given you special talents and abilities. God gives good gifts—he gives his love, faithful presence, power, and people in our lives. God gives good gifts—he gave Jesus, the best gift of all…just for you! This simple, powerful message is repeated again and again. It’s explored and talked about. Kids make their own discoveries about what that means to them every day. God gives good gifts. These words aren’t just spoken, they’re solidified through experience.
As you deck your walls with Western flair and slip on those cowboy boots, remember that you’re creating more than a southwestern setting. You’re getting ready to reach kids in deep and meaningful ways! You’re showing kids they matter. You’re reminding kids that God loves them—so much that he gave his Son. You’re setting the stage for kids to talk, grow, and discover.
You’re transforming hearts for eternity.
Saddle Up for a Wild Weekend with Yee-Haw VBS!
Yee-Haw Starter Kit
Ready for a trailblazing weekend of fun? At Yee-Haw VBS, kids’ll kick up their heels as they stampede through the wild frontier and celebrate the greatest truth of all—God is good!
You CAN do it! And we’re here to help! Group offers a complete children’s ministry hub of resources you need…especially when it comes to VBS! Best of all, we’re always here to help. Call us with any ministry-related problem, and we’ll help you find a solution. Call our experienced and helpful support team at 1-800-447-1070.