“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
It’s no secret that good VBS volunteers are worth their weight in gold! If your volunteer base has grown smaller this year, here are some tips on how to recruit and train volunteers for VBS this summer:
Recruiting volunteers
Send a survey to your previous volunteers to see who would be interested in doing VBS again.
Remind everyone of the fun they’ve had in the past. Some people may just need to remember the teamwork and excitement of serving! Create a video of past VBS or other ministry programs, set to upbeat music. You can even ask for some video testimonials from kids and families, telling how much those events, and the relationships formed there—made a difference.
Start young.
- Reach out to your youth group, Christian college groups, and high schools.
- Offer volunteer hours. High school students are often looking for hours to help them qualify for National Honor Society or ways to improve their college applications.
Develop new volunteer roles. Depending on what type of VBS you’re doing, you might have some new volunteer opportunities. This opens up the door for people who might not be as comfortable in traditional roles but want to be involved. For example, someone who loves to organize can be in charge of prepping supplies each day.
If you’re a little out of practice in asking people to volunteer, here’s a quick refresher. You can even use this 90-second approach over zoom!
Training volunteers
A good volunteer is an equipped volunteer. But we know trying to get all your volunteers in one place for training is a bit like herding cats. We’ve solved that problem with the all-new VBS Training Lab. This all-in-one training platform allows you to share training videos with everyone on your church’s team.
Learn more about VBS Training Labs
Appreciating volunteers
Volunteers put in the time, prayer, and heart that makes VBS a success! Be sure to show how much you value their role in helping kids grow in their friendship with Jesus. Need some ideas? We’ve got a whole list here
Still searching for the right VBS?
Check out these life-changing programs from Group
You CAN do it! And we’re here to help! Group offers a complete children’s ministry hub of resources you need…especially when it comes to VBS! Best of all, we’re always here to help. Call us with any ministry-related problem, and we’ll help you find a solution. Call our experienced and helpful support team at 1-800-447-1070.